Industrial Coils and Evaporative Condensers

Evapco is dedicated to providing the finest industrial and commercial evaporative cooling equipment available. Each unit represents the company’s commitment to excellence in engineering and manufacturing.

In terms of evaporative condensers, Evapco is a leader in design and innovation using their exclusive "thermal-pak" coil design, which is a patented design, assuring greater operating efficiency. The elliptical tube design allows for closer tube spacing, resulting in greater surface area per plan area than typical round tube designs. In addition, because of lower resistance to airflow, it permits greater water loading making the "thermal-pak" coil the most effective design available.

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Evapco also manufactures a wide range of evaporator coils using the same exclusive "thermal-pak" finned coil design. This, once again, provides for proven performance resulting in:

NTS-NTL Blast Freezer Evaporator Coils ntw-evap.GIF (13847 bytes) NTX Blast Freezer Product Cooler Evaporator Coils

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Send comments on this web site to bmil@bmil.com. Last revised: November 20, 2011